Monday, February 1, 2010

A Flicker of Hope

How could it be February 2010 already? My last entry was in October of 2009, many moons ago. Since then, so much has happened. Typhoon Ondoy hit our country and Hungry Minds homes were not spared. When I asked parents whether we should collect relief goods and clothes for their families, I was told that they were fine. Help should be given to those who need it most, those whose homes were totally damaged by the floods. Such generosity of spirit, if I may say so.

Since my last entry, two fires have hit our communities in Manila. Once again, our families were not spared. About fifteen families lost their homes and property. Up to now, they are rebuilding their lives with the help of those who so generously shared what they had even just weeks after the big flooding.

I spoke with one of our boys on Hungry Minds high school scholarship. His family lost everything. He told me that his Third Quarter grades went down because he was helping rebuild his house after school. He carried hollow blocks and sand so that his family could have a place to live in soon. Afterwards, he had such a difficult time studying since it got so dark because there was no electricity. Yet again he assured me that this Fourth Quarter his grades will get better. Despite what happened, he still had enough courage to look me in the eye and tell me that it will be all right.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with things that happen in Hungry Minds that I don't get to write them down. The next time I look so much time has passed, so many stories have unfolded. As always, the Hungry Minds story continues in the lives of our children who continue to struggle in spite of their young age. Some are overpowered with their difficulties. Most triumph over them.

I look forward to writing more stories this 2010. Some of these stories may bring you laughter. Others may bring you tears. However these stories may get across to you, may they somehow provide inspiration during times when you search for a flicker of hope amidst your despair. May these encourage you to carry on in spite of how difficult life may seem to be. Aside from bringing you closer to Hungry Minds, my hope is that these stories will allow you to get closer to satisfying your own hunger for joy, for love, for life!

Cheers to 2010!


  1. wow, this is very encouraging and well written. it was a joy to read - rey mendoza

  2. Thanks, Rey! I sometimes wonder whether people get to read this blog, but I guess somewhere out there someone does get to read it at one point in time. Thanks for the reassurance that the stories of the kids do get out there. I hope you are well. Take care!

  3. Teacher Candy, thanks for sending me the blog link. My family is always eager for news of the kids. Their selfless acts are a reflection of the influences that FHM staff and parents have had on the children.

    -Mark Leaming

  4. The Children at Hungry Minds School are so blessed and lucky to have you, Teacher Candy. Keep up the awesome work :-). --Cindy Leaming

  5. Thank you, Mark and Cindy. Hungry Minds is blessed to have friends like you. It was good to see you last December, Mark. Cindy, please let us know if you'll be visiting the country any time soon. Send our regards to Kuya Justin and Ate Sam. Keep in touch! :)
