Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cinderella and the Magic of Slippers

If I would choose my favorite fairy tale it would be Cinderella.  I love the triumph of the good, the happily-ever-after ending, and the glass slipper!  
Those who know me know my love affair with shoes, sandals, and slippers.  I love trying them out and finally getting THE one.  I don't really get the most expensive ones.  My style is more Spartan and Havanas (notice the spelling), instead of the more popular and branded kinds.  I just love the feel of being comfortable in my footwear and just being me.  

Today, a new Hungry Minds friend sent 12 pairs of slippers to school. 
Knowing that there won't be enough for everyone, I asked the help of Teacher Olive in talking to the 4th Graders about who needs slippers the most.  The children raised their hands and chose those who should get slippers based on what they know from each other's families.  There were a couple who were nominated, but said that the slippers should go to others since their slippers still fit them.  Thus, some students were chosen, and the matching of feet and slippers began.  
Since some of the pairs were small, we asked Joan, a girl from 5th Grade, to see if the slippers fit her, and they did.  She has two younger sisters who could use the other pairs so these were given to her.
Our children had smiles on their faces as they wore their new footwear.  This affirms that a single act of kindness could yield happiness in not just one other person but in many people.  Going back to my childhood fairy tale, I now know that fairy godmothers are for real.  They exist in those who care enough to share.  They come alive every time a smile is born.   
Thank you to all the fairy godmothers of Food for Hungry Minds School.

Photo Credit for Cinderella: www.google.com

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Start Your Day Right

If asked exactly how I would want to start my day, I'd probably say a good breakfast, steaming-hot coffee, and some music would hit my sweet spot.  
Today, however, I was reminded of how the children of Hungry Minds start their school day.  I joined the Morning Meeting of the fifth graders of FHMS Malolos.  Children sit around in a circle then start with their chosen Morning Greeting.  Today it was, "Bonjour!" matched with a sour face.  The kids were tickled pink!  
Then came the sharing part.  The first sharer said, "My brother keeps teasing me.  I am now ready for questions and comments."  I encouraged the children to ask questions and give comments.  The children asked about why she was being teased, how old the brother was, and later on how this little girl felt when she was teased.  She said that she tried to ignore her brother, but it was painful.  

My heart melted.  I remembered being teased, not that I was always the victim.  I've done my share of teasing, too.  Anyway, before I could feel really awful, the class came to the rescue.  Some comments that were given were:
- In Taekwondo (from PE class), we learned that there is such a thing as self control.  Just practice self-control.
- Tell your mother about it.
- Find a good time to talk to your brother and tell him gently (their words!) that what he is doing is hurting you.
- Put up a PeaceBuilders poster in your house and talk to your brother about its principles.
These pieces of advice made my heart soar!  Oh, I love how these kids show so much care for each other!  A few minutes later, the little girl who shared thanked her classmates for their questions and comments.  The meeting went on with one more sharing, a short activity, and then the day's announcements.

Morning Meeting is such a simple activity, but I know that it just starts things right for the Hungry Minds children.  In the short span of 20 minutes, I witnessed some tender hearts being made stronger.  I couldn't believe how much wisdom there was inside that room!  There was also such a generous show of support for each person.  Those children are really wiser than they look and stronger than I always think!  

Now allow me to one more thing to my list of things that make my morning right - a good breakfast, great coffee, music, and Morning Meeting!  

Note:  Thanks to www.google.com.ph for the photos.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

HS Scholars Give Back

It doesn't seem too long ago when in 2004 we organized Saturday morning tutorials for our first Grade 4 batch. Employees from our donor company volunteered to conduct them.  The kids needed assistance especially in their English, Math, and Science subjects, so extra help was extended.

This morning, on another Saturday, students from the same batch who received help now gave back.  Those 4th Graders are now in 4th Year High School and are enrolled in private schools because of donations from individuals who wanted them to continue what they started in Hungry Minds.  Since our new 4th graders need help, these students conducted tutorials for them.

I can't help but be so proud of the persons our students have become.  I share this pride and joy with each person who helped along the way.  Our kids are growing up!  Look at what they're doing now! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Congratulations, Sam!

This school year is the first year that we have students in the University of Santo Tomas Education High School (UST- EHS).  Yesterday was their Orientation Day and I was so happy to hear that one of the Hungry Minds Scholars was awarded the Rector's Honorific Scholarship.  

Sam, who graduated last March from FHMS Makati, ranked 5th among all those who took the entrance exam in UST-EHS.  Together with her mother, she was called on stage and honored for doing very well in the exam.  Food for Hungry Minds School was also mentioned since they wanted to acknowledge the school where she came from.  

I am so proud of Sam!  May she continue to do well.  Congratulations to all her teachers, too, for preparing her well!  Thank you to all the Hungry Minds benefactors who helped her and are continuing to help her reach her goals!  

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Summer Classes 2010

After several years of not teaching regularly,I taught a Creative Writing Class to our High School scholars for almost five weeks this summer. Participants were incoming Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores from different public and private high schools.  Forty students attended classes every morning from Tuesdays to Thursdays.

Today, we celebrated the writing achievements of each student.  We went to the Chinese Garden in Rizal Park, Manila to share stories and talk about what this summer meant for all of us. My students improved in their writing! They also enjoyed each other's company since each of the two sessions had students from different levels and different schools. 

As their teacher, I feel blessed to have been able to spend part of my summer with the Hungry Minds High School scholars.  I got to know my students once again, now as teenagers. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Graduation and Donor Recognition 2010

I don't need a calendar for me to know that it's that time of year once again.  The flurry of exam preparations, submission of projects, and computation of grades tell me that the school year is drawing to an end.  Graduation is just around the corner. I look at our Sixth Graders and remember how they started in Hungry Minds three years ago.  They seemed so tiny, timid, and shy.  I certainly hope that after being with us for three school years and two summers, these children are smarter, healthier, and wiser.

This time of year is also a time for us to remember those who were part of our journey especially for the past year.  Companies certainly contributed to the cause of Hungry Minds.  So did countless volunteers who shared many hours teaching our students, chaperoning us in our events, and just hanging out to have fun.

Our Donor Recognition and Graduation Ceremonies next week is our way of saying thank you to all those who have been part of giving these children a better chance in life.  It is also a chance for us to keep in touch with our supporters and cheerleaders from the past and even meet new Hungry Minds friends.

Please take some time to be with us on this day.  Bring friends and family since I know they will also enjoy the program.  I look forward to seeing you again and meeting your family and friends!  I posted the invitation to our Graduation and Donor Recognition Ceremonies.  This was made by one of our volunteers, Rikki Jao.  Thanks, Rikki! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Flicker of Hope

How could it be February 2010 already? My last entry was in October of 2009, many moons ago. Since then, so much has happened. Typhoon Ondoy hit our country and Hungry Minds homes were not spared. When I asked parents whether we should collect relief goods and clothes for their families, I was told that they were fine. Help should be given to those who need it most, those whose homes were totally damaged by the floods. Such generosity of spirit, if I may say so.

Since my last entry, two fires have hit our communities in Manila. Once again, our families were not spared. About fifteen families lost their homes and property. Up to now, they are rebuilding their lives with the help of those who so generously shared what they had even just weeks after the big flooding.

I spoke with one of our boys on Hungry Minds high school scholarship. His family lost everything. He told me that his Third Quarter grades went down because he was helping rebuild his house after school. He carried hollow blocks and sand so that his family could have a place to live in soon. Afterwards, he had such a difficult time studying since it got so dark because there was no electricity. Yet again he assured me that this Fourth Quarter his grades will get better. Despite what happened, he still had enough courage to look me in the eye and tell me that it will be all right.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with things that happen in Hungry Minds that I don't get to write them down. The next time I look so much time has passed, so many stories have unfolded. As always, the Hungry Minds story continues in the lives of our children who continue to struggle in spite of their young age. Some are overpowered with their difficulties. Most triumph over them.

I look forward to writing more stories this 2010. Some of these stories may bring you laughter. Others may bring you tears. However these stories may get across to you, may they somehow provide inspiration during times when you search for a flicker of hope amidst your despair. May these encourage you to carry on in spite of how difficult life may seem to be. Aside from bringing you closer to Hungry Minds, my hope is that these stories will allow you to get closer to satisfying your own hunger for joy, for love, for life!

Cheers to 2010!