Monday, March 2, 2009

Five Years and Counting

I finally got down to writing a blog. Maybe it is timely since today I celebrate my fifth anniversary as a member of Food for Hungry Minds. It has been such a journey. We started out with 28 children in our school in Makati. There were three teachers, myself included, and a social worker on staff.

Today, five years later, Food for Hungry Minds serves 155 Elementary students in two schools, Makati and Malolos, Bulacan. There are 43 students being supported in different high schools, private and public. There are also 15 employees on staff. There is even an on-going expansion program in Honduras in Central America. How the organization has grown!

I could say that I have grown, too. I met people who became my mentors, colleagues who became friends, and students who have changed my view of the world. What a gift it is to be part of Food for Hungry Minds!


  1. Has it really been 5 years???

    Congratulations to you and your entire team, Candy! I know how hard all of you have worked and how invested you are in your students. They are so blessed to have you guys on their side. The hope that takes root through your work with your kids will fuel their dreams and aspirations. Well done!

  2. as a former teacher, i must say that that's a really big accomplishment! a lot of people talk about what we can do to help out country but it's a lot like belling the cat. i'm glad someone's doing something about it.


  3. Congratulations Teacher!!! Time really flies so fast. I am glad I am part of that journey with you. And I hope we will have more kids that we can help. Hoping to hear more from your blogspot.

  4. Thanks for the responses! :)

    I,too, am surprised at how fast time flies. My work in Hungry Minds has led me to many amazing adventures and wonderful people. It is indeed a privilege to be part of a team who works to make the world a better place. :)

  5. Candy,

    Congratulations! 5 years and the 200 lives you and your team has changed is not a small feat. I hope many people hear about the good work we do in Food for Hungry Minds and open their hearts and pockets to help change more lives.


  6. Congratulations Candy - Happy Anniversary! I hope you take a few minutes to celebrate your successes!

    The blog is a great idea. I look forward to hearing about everything that is going on.

  7. Thanks for being part of the success, Jen and Kaye! Your contributions in Hungry Minds really make a difference. :)

  8. Congratulations Teacher Candy! I know it's a team effort but each individual brings a lot to the team and you are one of the pillars of this cause. We are here to support you.

  9. Thank you, Rey! I am glad we were able to keep in touch with you after all this time. Thanks for all the help! :)

  10. Ate candice, congratulations! remember the time when you were still thinking which career path to take? You followed your heart... and you were right.=)i'm very happy for you and FHMS!

  11. Hello, Mercy! I do remember. We were in Ormoc for the Singles for Christ International Conference. I think it was the end of the second day when we were in the hotel. I told you my fears about joining Hungry Minds since I would be left behind here. You said, "Ate, why don't you try it out for 6 months? See if it works." I'm grateful for that because it struck me, so I did try it out! Now it's been five years! Isn't that great? What a wonderful journey life is.

  12. Congratulations Teacher Candy! Time flies. You are doing a good job in making a difference in the lives of our kids as well as in motivating and inspiring our teachers and staff. You have a great team!
